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10th & 12th

         Table- 1: Scheme of Studies for Academic Courses

 Secondary Level Subject


 Senior Secondary Level Subject


Code Subject

Group A

(101)   Hindi

(102)   English

(103)   Urdu

(104)   Sanskrit


Examination of these subjects will be    

held on same day:- (Code : 105 To 117)

(105)     Bengali

(106)     Marathi

(107)     Telugu

(108)     Gujarati

(109)     Kannada

(110)     Punjabi    

(111)     Assamese

(112)     Nepali

(113)     Malayalam

(114)     Oriya

( 115)   Arabic

( 116)   Persian

( 117)   Tamil

Group B

(118)   Mathematics

(119)   Science and Technology*

(120)   Social Science

(121)   Economics

(122)   Business Studies

(123)   Home Science*

(124)   Psychology

(125)   Indian Culture & Heritage

(126)   Painting*

(127)   Data Entry Operations*


Code Subject

Group A

(201)   Hindi

(202)   English

(203)   Bengali

(204)   Tamil

(205)   Urdu

(206)   Sanskrit

Group B

(207)   Mathematics

(208)   Physics*

(209)   Chemistry*

(210)   Biology*

(211)   History

(212)   Geography*

(213)   Political Science

(214)   Economics

(215)   Business Studies

(216)   Accountancy

(217)   Home Science*

(218)   Psychology

(219)   Computer Science*

(220)   Sociology

(221)   Painting*

(222)   Environmental Science*

(223)   Mass Communication*

(224)   Data Entry Operations*






(A)   Five subjects with either one or two languages from Group A and the remaining subjects from  Group B.

(B)   Two additional subject can be taken from either of the two groups.


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